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Issue 1 - The First Meeting

Issue 2 - Inflammatory Neuropathies

Issue 3 - Pain in Inflammatory Neuropathies

Issue 4 - Physiotherapy for the IN Patient

Issue 5 - Intragamin Short Supply

Issue 6 - OccupationalTherapy fo the IN Patient

Issue 7 - Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathies

Issue 8 - Social Help for the Disabled

Issue 9 - Support - The Name of our Game

Issue 10 - Care of the Feet for the IN Patient

Issue 11 Research into Inflammatory NeuropathiesI

Issue 12 - Review of The IN Group Epidemiology Study - GBS and CIDP

Issue 13 - The IN Group Joins the Internet

Issue 14 - Illness as a Stress and How We Deal With It

Issue 15 - An Update on Inflammatory Neuropathy 

Issue 16 - Salvaging the Nerve-Damaged Limb

Issue 17 - We Donate for Medical Research into GBS and CIDP

Issue 18 - Council of CBS and CIDP Support Groups of Australia

Issue 19 - Update on GBS and CIDP Research

Issue 20 - Caring for the Patient

Issue 21 - Support is the Name of Our Game

Issue 22 - Inflammatory Neuropathies other than GBS and CIDP

Issue 23 - Hospital in the Home

Issue 24 - Chronic Pain Management

Issue 25 - 9th International Congress of Neuromuscular Diseases

Issue 26 - Aromatherapy Helping Recovery

Issue 27 - Help for Everyday Living

Issue 28 - Update on GBS and CIDP Research

Issue 29 - The IN Group Takes the Lead in Promotion of Blood Donations

Issue 30 - Physiotherapy in Helping Recovery

Issue 31 - Care of the Feet

Issue 32 - Travelling with CIDP

Issue 33 - Can We Win the Summer Blood Challenge

Issue 34 - Treating CIDP

Issue 35 - How Reflexology May Help

Issue 36 - Treating GBS

Issue 37 - How Hypnotherapy May Help

Issue 38 - Intragam - Supply and Safety

Issue 39 - New AFO's - Ankle Foot Orthoses

Issue 40 - Reducing the Disabilities in Polyneuropathy

Issue 41 - Great Summer Luncheon

Issue 42 - Research into GBS and CIDP

Issue 43 - How Centrelink May Help

Issue 44 - Nursing the GBS and CIDP Patient

Issue 45 - Great Summer Luncheon

Issue 46 - Council Care for the Disabled

Issue 47 - Research Update into GBS & CIDP

Issue 48 - Assessing CIDP Patients & Treatment at Monash Medical Centre

Issue 49 - Great Summer Luncheon

Issue 50 - Foot Care and Achieving Postural Balance

Issue 51 - Intragam

Issue 56 - AGM/Tribute to James & Betty Gerrand    

Issue 57 - Xmas Luncheon 06/General Discussion  

Issue 58 - Octagam   

Issue 59 - Dr R Gibbs - Basis of Exercise

Issue 60 - Annual General Meeting     

Issue 61 - Assoc. Prof. A Kornberg - Research Progress

Issue 62 - Leanne Deltoso - Aiming for Paralympics

Issue 63 - Notes from May Meeting  

Issue 64 - AGM and Pharmacy in Australia

Issue 65 - Twenty years along the road to recovery

June Cathcart's Story

Margaret Brew's Story

Nursing the GBS and CIDP Patient

Issue 66 - Open Discussion

Issue 67 - Treatments / New Zealand Conference

Issue 68 - Hydrotherapy

Issue 69 - Research Update into GBS & CIDP

Issue 70 - Bowen Therapy

Issue 71 - Your Ambulance

Issue 72 - 2010 AGM.

Issue 73 - Dr. Kornberg Update - Dec.2010

Issue 74 - Dr Valery Tay, Neurologist

Issue 75 - Dept. Justice - Consumer Rights

Issue 76 - 2011 AGM.

Issue 77 - Assoc. Prof. A Kornberg Update

Issue 78 - Scott Edwards, Neurological Physiotherapist

Issue 79 - General Discussion

Issue 80 - 2012 AGM/CIDP Update/What is MMN

Issue 81 - A Tribute to our Founder - James Gerrand

Issue 82 - Members Experiences with GBS/CIDP.

Issue 83 - L Capovilla - Clinical Nutritionist

Issue 84 - An Approach to Diagnosis & Management.

Issue 85 - Assoc. Prof. Richard Stark - Treatment of GBS.

Issue 86 - Dr Robbie Hunt, Chiropractor

Issue 87 - Gwen McInnes - Products To Make Life Easier.

Issue 88 - 2014 AGN / Scott Earle - How I beat GBS 10% at a time.

Issue 89 - Update by Assoc. Prof. Andrew Kornberg

Issue 90 - Members General Discussion

Issue 91 - Wills, Probate & Powers of Attorney

Issue 92 - Clinical Trial Work in CIDP - Assoc. Prof. Tim Day.

Issue 93 - Update by Ass c. Prof. Andrew Kornberg

Issue 94 - Dr. Les Roberts, Neurologist St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne

Issue 95 - History of GBS/CIDP

Issue 96 - GBS Patients in ICU - Dr A Forrest

Issue 97 - Dr R Stark & Annual Luncheon

Issue 98 - General Discussion

Issue 99 - Valerie's & Ken's Story

Issue 100 - Neil's Story

Issue 101 - End of year luncheon

Issue 102 - Malcom the Pharmacist

Issue 103 - St. Johns Community Transport Service

Issue 104 - AGM

Issue 105 - End of year luncheon

Issue 106 - Dr Nicholas Crump - Ultrasound

Issue 107 - Sight & Hearing

Issue 110 - AGM

Issue 111 - General

Issue 112 - Post-lockdown

Issue 113 - Lauen Merakis - Nutritionist & Dietitian

Issue 114 - Dr N Crump updates on CIDP, Ultrasosund and IVIG

Issue 115 - Dr Liam Burke on illness (and AGM)

Issue 116 - End of year luncheon

Issue 117 - Facts about blood groups

Issue 118 - Pilates

Issue 119 - Victorian SCIg Access Programme

Issue 120 - Donating to the IN Group 

Issue 121 - Christmas Lunch

Issue 122 - History

The Inflammatory Neuropathy Support Group of Victoria Inc.